Where to spend money to be happy?

It's no wonder people who have a lot of money are happier than people who don't have that much money, but your happiness depends on how you use that money. ۔ The concept of happiness that we are generally told is completely wrong.

The car or mobile that you like only gives you happiness for a while, but on the contrary, spending time with your family can be a source of greater and lasting happiness for you. This has been confirmed in numerous psychological studies around the world.

Rule 1: don't spend all your money on yourself

Don't leave this job to just the rich, helping others will bring you happiness too, whether you're low-income or a multimillionaire. An experiment by Professor Elizabeth Dunn found that giving money to others brings lasting happiness, especially when people knew that money was being given to those in need. It really is necessary and it will affect their lives.

Rule No. # 2: holidays are more important than these luxurious curtains

It may seem like that new sofa will improve your life, but according to Professor Ryan Howell, the company in the long run doesn't make people happy. People think that he will be with us for a long time so we will be happy but it does not happen. On the contrary, the memories of vacations with friends or family will stay with you longer than when the sofa is old and is put up for sale in a store.

Rule number 3: the charm of this new iPhone will soon be shattered

According to the researchers, big purchases like the new iPhone 6 give you happiness for a short period of time, but it soon fades and is replaced by frustration because our brains give too much hope to such things. It is. So, whether it's buying a new car or tablet, the situation is somewhat similar.

Rule No. 4: time is worth more than money

When people start to reach the peak of their careers, they start wanting a bigger house, a better car, and other things. This is a silly idea. A 2004 study from the University of Zurich found that these people were generally less satisfied with their lives than others.

Rule number 5: use your money to give yourself time

Things that bore you can be done by paying someone else. This will give you time and allow you to participate in activities that interest you. However, spending it in front of the TV will not do you any good.

Rule No. 6: Buying things by imitating others is a bad plan

After any promotion, you want me to buy that car immediately, but it will only give you temporary happiness. According to Professor Thomas Galloway, the situation is worse when you buy things that others have seen, because then you will realize that perhaps I did not need this at all, which will disappoint you.

Rule # 7: Share your gifts

The reason that material things do not make us happy for a long time is because we get bored very quickly. Giving self-earned medals, trophies, or gifts to others will make them feel like winners of winning again when they are back.

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