How much quarantine is required? Pakistan sends details to Zimbabwe


The Pakistan Cricket Board has sent preliminary details of Corona's SOPs to Zimbabwe Cricket for a tour of Pakistan.

Talks between Zimbabwe Cricket and the PCB are in the final stages for a three-game ODI and three-game T20 tour of Pakistan.

Sources said that the Zimbabwe cricket team is expected to arrive in Pakistan on October 20, before which the PCB has sent preliminary details of Corona's SOPs to Zimbabwe Cricket in which the safety of players, staff Support and interested people has been declared as the top priority. . Has been

Sources said both teams would ensure uniform implementation of the SOPs while BioSecureBubble International's SOPs are being developed.

The sources further said that the Zimbabwean cricket team has to complete a quarantine of at least 5 days after their arrival in Pakistan and a crown test of the Zimbabwe team members must be negative before reaching Pakistan.

The details sent by the PCB further said that the Zimbabwe players will also undergo a crown test upon arrival in Pakistan.

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